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T2 Carbo Blocks

Harken offers these patent-pending, high-strength, soft-attach blocks in 18 to 57 mm sizes. The 18 mm block features stainless steel ball bearings and an integrated stainless inner race and rivet for optimal strength-to-weight. The 29, 40, and 57 mm blocks feature composite sheaves that spin freely on Delrin® ball bearings with curved bearing races. They have no metal shackles or rivets, making them the lightest soft-attach blocks Harken has ever designed.

All Harken T2 blocks are lashed or spliced through the loadbearing center of the block, decreasing the loads on the sideplates and acting as a safety backup for the system. Use for traveler controls, mainsheets and vangs, cascades, bridles, and other systems where small lightweight blocks are called for.