
Rooster Pro Plus Padded Toestrap Set for 2000 Helm

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1.00 LBS
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Rooster toestraps use a unique rubber compound that has a very high coefficeint of friction, whilst also being light and durable. Our new Pro Plus Range has this rubber added to the bottom of our padded toestrap.  Rooster Pro Plus Padded straps are super grippy with any make of boot - but they work specially well with our range of Rooster boots.

This Solo toestrap set measures 1050mm from bearing surface of eye, (the front eye is suitable for attaching a block or rope control).  The aft end of the toestrap is suitable for a 'screw on plate' type fixing. Fits the latest Boatyard at Beer and Winder Solos (Mrk1/2).

Toestrap Properties

Number of Toestraps 2 no.
Suitable for classes Solo
Overall Length 1050 mm
Width 80 mm
Thickness 11 mm
Padded Yes
Lifters No
End Construction Screw/Eye

The Pro Plus toestrap on a Beer Solo