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Samson MLX3 Tracer Color

$1.25 - $2.27
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Price Per Foot
0.02 LBS
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Samson MLX3 Double Braid.
Cruising sailors who desire optimal performance will appreciate the low-stretch polyester construction, smooth rendering, and long life of the cover over a polyester core.
Technical Description
Size Diameter*Weight Per
100 ft
Weight Per
100 m
Strength AverageElastic Stiffness**
1/4 in 6 mm 1.7 lb 2. kg 3,400 lb 1,500 kg 134,000 lb 600 kN
5/16 in 8 mm 3.1 lb 4.6 kg 4,500 lb 2,000 kg 177,000 lb 790 kN
13/32 in 10 mm 4.7 lb 7.0 kg 7,700 lb 3,500 kg 305,000 lb 1400 kN
1/2 in 12 mm 6.5 lb 9.7 lb 12,000 lb 5,400 kg 476,000 lb 2100 kN
9/16 in 14 mm 8.7 lb 12.9 kg 17,200 lb 7,800 kg 682,000 lb 3000 kN
At Percent of break strength
10% 20% 30%
Elastic Elongation
0.49% 0.74% 1.00%

* Diameters have been recalibrated for accurate metric sizing.
  • Manufacturer Product Code: 436.
  • Can be tapered.
  • Coated core matches the cover.
  • High strength.
  • Lightweight.
  • Moderate stretch.
  • Specific Gravity: 1.16.
  • Fiber (Core/cover): HMPE - MFP Blend / Polyester.
  • Splice: Double Braid Class II.
  • Applications: Performance Cruising - Club Racer.